Chú thích Lăng_Ba

  1. Laikwan Pang, Day Wong Masculinities and Hong Kong cinema - Page 21 - 2005 "Ivy Ling became the Shaw Brothers' top star thereafter, all the while playing the male roles in opera-derived films or overtly... He specialized in opera films and historical dramas, scripting a number of films for Ivy Ling, but also for Li Li-hua and..."
  2. Hong Kong Cinema: A Cross-cultural View -Kar Law, Frank Bren, Sam Ho - 2004 Page 264 "IVY LING PO (BORN IN 1939) Ivy Ling Po is a star whose stardom must count as one of the most curious in world film history. She is a screen goddess who made her mark playing men. In 1962, when Shaw Bros. was casting for the hung mei..."
  3. 张梦瑞 -金嗓金曲不了情 - 2003 Page 100 ISBN 9570826428 "因此當李翰祥拍《梁祝》時,就大膽起用小娟,同時為她改了「凌波」這個藝名。想不到竟一炮而紅。凌波不只歌聲甜美,演技也可說無懈可擊,當時邵氏、國泰兩家大公司搶拍《梁祝》(國泰由李麗華、尤敏擔綱),每天馬不停蹄地作業,演員也全力配合。"